Flowers by Miley Cyrus and trying not to sound too ‘classical’

In the past, we haven’t always been 100% about Miley Cyrus’s music but when we heard Flowers we were intrigued. The tone that Miley Cyrus achieves with her singing is just absolutely gorgeous and we were inspired to try and recreate the luscious jazzy textures and colours that she uses. One of the biggest challenges that we face as musicians performing covers of modern songs is trying to match the styles of the songs we play while still maintaining our own musical styles and retaining our musical integrity. Sarah with her Cello grooves tries to really lock onto the key aspects of the accompaniments and rhythm section while whittling it down so that it’s playable on just one Cello. The melody is another challenge and it takes listening to a song over and over again just to start feeling how a vocalist phrases the music, where they breathe, and how they treat the lyrics.

Flowers is so exciting because it feels like Miley Cyrus is increasingly going in a more Jazzy/Country direction. Whatever she’s doing we’re loving it and we can’t wait to hear more. Jaya has been listening to Flowers over and over again trying to emulate that lovely gravelly tone she achieves.

(p.s. if anyone’s wondering why the balloons, it was Jaya’s 30th last week XD)

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